Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Somewhere over the out of tune Rainbow

School's out forever. Well, unless you count the 'exams that shape your entire life' as school but they're not important, right?

Anywho, recently life has been good, apart from this epic bout of fatigue that has overcome me of late. Pretty bad timing really, i have so many other things to attend to. For the first time in the history of my life i have found myself falling asleep in the middle of the day. Wow. Amazing.

Life is looking like it might be panning out surprisingly well for me. I am pretty certain that i can get the score i need for my uni course so, once i'm in that, things are already pretty chill, but they could possibly get even better. I am 95% certain that i will have a full time job for 3 months before uni starts and then perhaps a part time job at the casino will be en route, monies ftw.
Hopefully by this stage Jess still likes me, which is a very big hope by the way, given that it can't take long to figure out how annoying and uninteresting i am.
If these things fall into place then i can't see how much better i could be doing, unless you start throwing in stuff like winning the lottery or a nobel peace prize for assassinating Lleyton Hewitt.

I will now stop vomitting sunshine and rainbows at you, i personally find all this optimism quite disgusting.

And yes, i'm aware that this blog is just a reworded version of my last one.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.

I had my last ever SAC (physics) today and boy, it feels good. I can't begin to imagine how good the feeling will be walking out of my last final exam (coincidentally also physics) in less than a months time. Which brings me to today's current issue...
Life is going too well at the moment, something shit is about to happen, i just know it. 
It started with the the girl. Then i did extremely well on my last maths SAC and regained confidence in how i will perform at the end of year exams. But today, the big mother trucker of all warning signs; American Psycho arrived in the mail after a 2 month delay.
I am screwed.
Things only go this well when The Man is planning some elaborate way of crushing your soul and robbing you of your dignity.
I shall proceed cautiously over the next week or so.

In other news, i am concerned about a friend of mine, something is up, however i am not sure how to approach the subject. I wish i was like that character in novels/movies, the one that is wise and all knowing and can read everything that goes on inside the protagonist's mind, eg Rahim Khan / Dumbledore / Christian Bale, take your pick.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sleeping Lessons (running with last entry's title choosing process)

The last few days have been, exciting. So exciting in fact, that i am bordering on insomniacy (<- apparently not a word?) again. Friday night for example, i went to bed at roughly 1 am. I did not sleep until about 6am. That's 5 hours, lying in bed, awake. It was a similar story on saturday night, although at least i was able to watch Total Recall. No doubt tonight i will get minimal sleep as well.
I do not enjoy not sleeping, however, a new symptom of my excessive anticipation appeared today.
Mother presented me with the most delightful dinner this evening, of which i could only make feeble efforts to eat, each mouthful seeming like an entire packet of hubba-bubba to my jaw.

Yes Alex, yes you are.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Walking on a Dream (< the song i was listening to when i had to think of a title)

Today put me in a positive mood. First, i find out that Total Recall is on TV Saturday night. 9th viewing!!
Secondly, when i arrived at the train station this morning, i walked out of the car, onto the platform and then on the train, into one of the single-seats (where nobody can sit next to you) all without breaking stride or having to push around people. Nice.
Then, i arrive at school to be given some good news, so good in fact, that i didn't mind that i had to sacrifice $4 of my lunch-money to pay the late fee for the school jumpers.
When i am happy and excited, i act like i have ADHD, which i assume is very annoying (sorry to the people i hugged in the corridor...) but i don't care, because i am happy. The only thing that ruined my mood was specialist maths and perhaps the fact that...

...I am notoriously bad at making decisions, big or small. Any decision, from what i order at the local fast food restaurant through to whether or not i should push the button that will blow up the boat of criminals before midnight hence saving the the lives of myself and the people on my boat yet making me live with the fact that i caused the death of 200 people. More often than not, my actions are decided upon the toss of a coin, literally.
So, i'm in a bit of a pickle it would seem, as some time soon i have to choose between; Dreams, Adventure or the Logical.
The dreams won't come true, but dreams like siblings with those foam noodles that people have in their pools. If you think about grabbing them, they're just going to hit you over the head until you go limp.
The adventure could be exciting and/or fulfilling, i mean, who doesn't like a little bit of adventure? I for one love adventures. However, the problem with adventure is, i calculate a 90% probability of 'crash and burn' within moments of take-off, especially if careful safety preparations are neglected. ADVENTURE SOUNDS A LOT LIKE QANTAS, LOL LOL.
The Logical just, makes sense. Even more than that, it makes perfect sense, everything fits.
A wise sailor once told me however, that humans are a strange species, always reaching for the sky, even though it will never be as blue as the sea.
Of course, he was a sailor... Perhaps i should ask a wise pilot of his opinion also, for fairness' sake.

Can someone lend me a 3-sided coin please?

Monday, October 6, 2008

Across this black and white chess board

Just so we're clear, no, i do not actually have a crush on every girl i say i do.
However, why is it so difficult for me to keep my mouth shut?
I can't help but tell anyone and everyone anything and everything. Usually, i'm not confiding in you as such but i'm just telling you before the person/people i told before you, tell you with their own little twist added. At least that's my excuse, maybe Georgia's right, maybe i do it for the attention. I'm pretty sure she is wrong though, because even though i constantly see people not caring, i keep telling them shit anyway. Besides, if i wanted attention i'd just stand up in the middle of a full school assembly and sing 'Safety Dance'. Naked. Then make out with the principal.

Today i had my 2nd 3 hour english exam in less than a week and oh dear. I sucked. My creative piece was brilliant, but unfinished, my issues analysis was shit at best and my text response was shit AND unfinished. Of course i don't care that i did shit today, i only care that i'll do shit when it counts, which is only 3 weeks away. Lame.

Dairy Belle wasn't at work again today, thank god, otherwise knowing me i would have called michael and told him (despite my own protests), then he would have forced me to talk to her or buy a chocolate from her, for her.
Now, i'm sure she's a nice girl and all, but the last thing i need right now is another crush, i already have like, 7.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

My Dairy Belle

My weekend...
Hazel's on friday night was fun, of course, so is everything after 5 or 6 beers. I was greeted at the door by people i used to know from the years above us at CHS, that was mildy interesting. I then went inside to discover i was the first male to arrive. This is usually a good situation to be in however, when 12 people collectively shudder at the sight of you, it is not so good. I forget the rest of the night until Daniel and Tom arrive, the latter carrying his Heinikens that i would later theive, the former looking more like Obi-Wan Kenobi than Cruz-Miguel Sanchez. The night progressed the same as any other, me drifting between different groups of people, never really locking intensly into one conversation. This is a very typical Alex behaviour, if you get more than 5 minutes out of me, you're at least mildy interesting.
The trip home from Hazel's was semi-eventful, i figured out later that we spent roughly 30 minutes waiting for public transport all up however, i hardly remember any of this time, the trams felt like they arrived at our demand. Just chitter-chattering to the homies was fun, playing Gay Chicken with Michael and Alex C. I had my first ever defeat, at the hands (or should i say open mouth) of Michael. Not really surprised though.
So the night ended as i began my long walk home from Camberwell junction to Glenferrie Road that i've grown to enjoy.
Saturday was an eventful day, starting with the assembly of my new desk, which took an hour longer than it should have due to a combination of a shoddy screw-driver my complete lack of 'hands-on' skillz. Later i would purchase 'The Prestige' from the new JB hifi in camberwell. God damn that movie is awesome. If you are reading this blog then you are signing a mental contract to watch it. 
So, i chucked the DVD on, Rayel popped in to help me make my awesome 5-of-hearts costume for Penny's party just after the movie finished. We began our journey to Penny's, waited for Will to meet us (typical) and after arriving, decided to go get some GOOOOOONNNN. 
The guy at the bottleshop unlocked the door to let me in to buy shiz, he'd closed for the night, i thought that was pretty cool. 
The party itself cruised along very well, despite Will's persistent scabbing of my beer. Whilst it was fun for the most part, my mind was off in it's own world for most of the night. Only partly because of the alcohol. Steph sent me... 21 messages, just enough to make Will angry. I think if you are bored enough to send ME 21 messages, you really should have gone to the party. John G. delivered some interesting news, but i will try find out more about it (lies?) before posting it here. 
The journey home was enjoyable, after Rayel was surgically removed from Will, her and i walked up to the tram stop near her house and the good lad waited with me whilst i contemplated how far i could projectile vomit my insides . Of course, the tram that came terminated at Camberwell Junction and i was able to fit in that lovely walk which i mentioned earlier.
Of course, not even goon can give me a headache, so i awoke at 10am feeling fresh as a daisy, listened to some radio and almost bumped into Michael at the cafe whilst he was breaking up with his girlfriend. Nice. 
I would later hang about with Michael and Alex C and we would then make our way to Dairy Bell around the corner from my house. I've fallen in love with the girl that works there. Well, at least that is the plan for the future. She is very nice, quite attractive and she put up with me patiently whilst i took 20 minutes to decide what flavour ice-cream i wanted (Alex C ordered cookies and cream, which is what i wanted, but i didn't want to look unoriginal in front of her). Michael said there were 'sparks' or something between us, but people say that crap all the time to their friends with depressingly low confidence ie, me. So here's the plan; Michael and i are going to stalk her, practically, until we figure out what days she works. Then, we will slowly gain her trust and over time we will learn to live side by side with the Dairy Bell people in one harmonious society.
All will be well.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

After arriving to school at the god forsaken time of 9 am this morning (thank you Steph)  i realised something. I am dreading exams. Now, almost everybody is, i know, but today was that moment where i went; Fuck. You probably have experienced a moment like this, perhaps not about a school related item, perhaps it's similar to being at a friend's house and sitting on their table and breaking it. You're just like; Fuck. And if you're not like; 'Fuck', then you should be. That's an antique table, bitch. 

Anyways, so my brother forgot to bring his poncho, so all i have to wear to Hazel's Fiesta tomorrow night (that's mexican for mexican party) is my sombrero. In itself not too bad, except that it sits uncomfortably on that hideous growth on the back-right of my head. Annoying.

Back to 9am this morning. The practice english exam was actually at 10am NOT 9am, thanks again Stephanie. In that spare hour, i thought about what it would be like to be a Ghostbuster. Fruitless i 'spose.
So we entered the exam room and, despite her protests, i sat next to Rusy. Wow. 1400 words. PER ESSAY. That's... 3,000 + 3 x 400.... 4,200 words!!! instead of 3 hours, give her 30 hours and she'll hand you Harry Potter 8. 
My own effort was average, B, maybe B+ who knows, hopefully by the time the actual english exam comes up (4 weeks) i'll have things under Rusy-style control. Heh.
Practice Methods exam(s) tomorrow, should be fun. 3 and something hours of mathsy goodness... can't wait.

For some reason or another, as i sit here, typing this meaningless crap and ignoring the methods books in front of me for the 6th straight hour, my mind wonders to one thing. When the hell is American Psycho arriving?

much love xoxox